现在很多珍藏都已经从商城内移除:Treasure of Sinister ArcaneryTreasure of the Cloven WorldTreasure of the Cosmic AbyssTreasure of the Bottled CloudTreasure of the Diligent ArtisanTreasure of the Silver StormTreasure of the Shattered HourglassTreasure of the Sunken MaidenTreasure of Dark ImplementsTreasure of the Forbidden LotusTreasure of Crystalline ChaosTreasure of the Cursed WoodTreasure of the Shaper DivineTreasure of the Malignant AmanitaTreasure of Incandescent WaxTreasure of Rubiline SheenTreasure of the Emerald PolycountTreasure of Earth EssenceTreasure of Ember EssenceTreasure of Vermilion RenewalTreasure of Dire ArmsTreasure of Radiant Arms现在这些钩子的粒子特效已被修复,都添加了骨链