火炬之光2》V1.17.5.14 升级档+破解补丁,对应的是Steam版的版本号,零售版的版本号为v1.17.2.14,破解补丁打的是THETA组破解,Torchlight2.exe对应零售版 Torchlight2_steam.exe对应STEAM版。
Pets 寵物
•Owl pet added 新增貓頭鷹
•Badger pet added 新增 獾
General 通用
•Characters with certain special characters in their names won't fail to save 有某些特殊字元在角色名稱的角色, 存檔時不會再失敗了
•Attacks that deal weapon% no longer give bonus crit for values over 100% 如果武器攻擊%數超過100%, 暴擊機率便不再加上去了
•Missiles with an AoE were not properly taking into account some untargetable states 修正一些遠程攻擊, 之前某些無法鎖定的狀態
•Run speed bonuses were sometimes added twice 某些情況下, 跑速多增加了一倍, 已修正
•Fixed Trillbot achievement quest 修好了 Trillbot 任務
Skills 技能部份
•Engineer 工程師
•Rank 8 and 9 or Seismic Slam scale soak values properly on direct damage 第8和第9級的 Seismic Slam 已經可以正確的運算傷害值了
•Flame Hammer, Ember Hammer and Emberquake correctly list staves in requirements 在Falme Gammer, Ember hammer 和 emberquake的技能中已經標示了 staves 在需求裡
•Berserker 野蠻人
•Storm hatchet now targets better on slopes 技能Storm hatchet現在鎖定slopes更加準確
•Storm hatchet should be less likely to collide with walls and more likely to collide with units 技能Storm hatchet現在比較不會碰撞牆壁了, 而比較會碰撞小兵
•Ravage knockback/slow resistance fixed 修正ravage的 knockback/slow 抗性
•Ravage falls back to autoattack when mana is low 技能ravage將會回到自動攻擊當魔力偏低時
•Battle rage properly refreshes now 技能battle rage 現在可以正常運作了
•Shadowbind procs now level properly 技能shadowbind 現在升級後可以正常運作
•Embermage 法師
•Rank 4 of Firestorm now has correct max damage 修正4級firestorm的最大傷害值
•Issues w/ Prismatic Bolt duration effects resolved 技能prismatic bolt的時效已正常
•Fixed mana cost for rank 10 of Infernal Collapse 技能infernal collapse的使用魔力已修正
Spells 法術
•Made requirement reduction spells work properly 將 "所需條件減低" 的法術 正常運作了
Items 道具
•Rifle and Cannons now use weapon damage instead of DPS - fast weapons were stronger than intended, slow weapons were weaker than intended 來福槍和大炮現在開始使用武器上的攻擊數值, 而非DPS.
•A non functioning proc on the Tundra set was converted to a functioning Lifesteal 一個之前沒有保護作用的功能 (在Tundra上) 現在已被修改為 吸取生命值
•New ring for Emberweave set 新增 emberweave 戒指套裝
•New pants for Embercraft set 新增 embercraft 褲子套裝
•Legendary wand Earth Dies Screaming can no longer crash the game 之前的傳說法仗 Earth Dies Screaming 現在不會造成遊戲關閉了
•Fixed some issues with item-based proximity effects getting doubled 修正一些道具所造成的效果加倍
Maps 地圖
•Various pathing and collision fixes 修正一些小路和叉路
•Various new boss rooms added for maproom maps 加入了一些新頭目到房間中的地圖
•Several new Phase Beast rooms added 新增了一些 Phase beast rooms
•Can't be knocked behind fence in Arena of Slaughter 現在不會再被擊退到 Arena of Slaughter的圍牆外面了
Monsters 怪物
•Exploding zombies now strike only once per explosion 現在exploding zombies 只會造成一次傷害, 在一次的暴炸中
•King gels have champion resistances and minion gels cannot be charmed 怪物 King gels 有著強大的抗性, 而小隻的 gels 則不能被迷惑了
ecipes 配方
•Transmutation recipe for sockets can't eat gems with no return. 配方寶盒不再接受不能退還的寶石了
Quest Related
•You must talk to the guardian of mana before you can enter the dungeon from Act 4 hub 玩家現在一定要和 guardian of mana 講到話 , 才能進入Act 4 的地監
•Fix for crash in certain circumstances when wearing gear that requires a requirement reduction spell 修正了一些 玩家穿著需要 法術減免所需條件的裝備時 所造成的遊戲錯誤