[乐游网导读]《行尸走肉》改变自《行尸走肉》电影版,高度还原电影场景 故事情节,作为丧尸迷的玩家们有福了,该作将登录所有平台,其中WIIU平台也包含其中,详细内容请看本文。
《行尸走肉》改变自《行尸走肉》电影版,高度还原电影场景 故事情节,作为丧尸迷的玩家们有福了,该作将登录所有平台,其中WIIU平台也包含其中,详细内容请看本文。
Wii U has its fair share of mature games already with the likes of Assassin's Creed III, Darksiders II and Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge - which will be out in Europe 11th January. Chances are if you're a fan of fighting through hoards of undead monsters you picked up a copy of ZombiU when the new console launched, and now we know of at least one other survival horror game that will be coming in 2013.
刺客教条3,Darksider 2,还有就是小弟的忍龙3 (顺便一提的是,此游戏会在1月11号于欧洲发行),老实说WiiU上已经有不少的移植游戏了。如果你觉得在WiiU的那个独占游戏ZombiU里赤手空拳的对付成百上千的僵尸还不够爽快的话,没关系,现在至少你还有另外一个选择。
Activision's The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct will be coming to Wii U in Europe on 29th March. The title is a port of the game that's already in production for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC but will naturally add new features - such as allowing the player to access their inventory on the fly via the GamePad.
动视的行尸走肉:求生本能 即将于3月29号登陆WiiU的欧洲市场。这个游戏实际上是一款移植作品,之前早已经预计登陆于PS3,Xbox360以及PC平台,当然,按老规矩,新的版本自然会加上一些独有的东西 --- 比如说用平板手柄来显示您的道具箱。
游戏的制作人Glenn 解释道:当WiiU发售的时候,其实我们已经完工一半了。我们不打算再对游戏做什么变动,因为实际上游戏早就做出来了。所以,现在我们能考虑的问题只有一个,那就是“ 我们如何来增强WiiU版?”
Gamble says the Wii U edition of the game is much more "streamlined", allowing the player to access their backpack at all times in a way that probably won't be too dissimilar to the way ZombiU implemented its inventory system.
Gamble表示 WiiU版的行尸走肉将得到进一步的简化,允许玩家随时随地地整理自己的背包。
Since it's available before the end of March, the game is classed as a Wii U launch title - in Europe at least, as we're yet to hear of a North American date.
因为这个游戏是在3月底发售的,我们依然会把它归类为WiiU的首发游戏 --- 当然,只是欧洲的首发游戏,因为天知道北美等地区什么时候发售。