

来源:乐游整理 日期:2012/1/18 9:09:30 作者:乐游
962乐游网首页攻略秘籍 游戏攻略 → 阿玛拉王国天赋技能树

[乐游网导读]阿玛拉王国三大职业的技能说明以及技能进阶的天赋技能书图文展示 这是一款剧情惊人优秀和庞大的RPG

3 页 灵巧系天赋技能树


穿刺武器掌握I(Precise Weaponry I)

[Passive] Unlocks special attacks for the Daggers Faeblades, and Longbow.

穿刺武器掌握II(Precise Weaponry II)
[Passive] Unlocks special attacks from Block for the Daggers Faeblades, and Longbow

穿刺武器掌握III(Precise Weaponry III)

穿刺武器掌握IV(Precise Weaponry IV)

匕首专精(Dagger Mastery)

[Passive] Your prowess with Daggers lets you get the most out of every cut and thrust.

环刃专精(Faeblade Mastery)
[Passive] Diligent practice has granted you mastery over the Faeblades, chief weapon of the Summer Court Fae.

烟幕弹(Smoke Bomb)
[Active] Throw down a smokescreen to stun enemies and blind them to your presence for a short duration.
[主动] 至晕,盲敌人一小段时间

毒气弹(Poison Bomb)
[upgredes] Further tinkering has enabled you to add a Poison cloud to your Smoke Bomb.

长弓专精(Longbow Mastery)

[Passive] Your skill at archery grants you a large bonus to damage while using a Longbow and increases the number of arrows that can be fired before reloading your quiver.

[Passive] With your incredible drawpower, each arrow you fire can penetrate even the thickest armor or carapace. Also increases the size of your quiver.

箭雨风暴(Arrow Storm)WIKI上面这个是被动技能
[Passive] Your skill with the Longbow allows you to fire a volley of arrows into the sky, raining death down on your foes. Also increases the size of your quiver.

獠牙之箭(Barbed Arrows)
[Passive] By affixing small barbs to your arrows, each Longbow shot has a chance to deal heavy Bleeding Damage to your foes. Also increases the size of your quiver.
[被动]因为箭头上面安装了更多的尖刺 ,你的每一次射击可能对敌人造成更深的伤口,令其承受持续的流血伤害。同时增加箭袋容量上限。

[Passive] Your skill with Longbows enables you to fire multiple arrows simultaneously. Also increases the size of your quiver.

暗影闪击(Shadow Flare)

[Active] Weaving a burst of shadow magic to wound and stagger enemies in an arc before you. Quickly press the button again to throw a volley of shadowy blades, dealing Pierce and Bleeding Damage.

持久灾难(Enduring Agony)
[Passive] Secret techniques enable you to extend the duration of all your Poison and Bleeding attacks. Also extends Shadow Flare damage.

[Active] With an acrobatic leap, you distribute explosives across the battlefield that damage an launch enemies.

剧毒之刃(Envenomed Edge)

[Sustained] The careful application of vile poisons to all your edged weapons and arrowheads allows you to weaken your opponents.

[Passive] Your extensive experience with Poisons grants you a heightened resistance to their effects.

神秘毒素(Mysterious Toxins)
[Passive] The skilled mixing of obscure toxins allows your Poison attacks to propagate to other enemies.

冰霜陷阱(Frost Trap)

[Active] Plant a Frost Trap which causes Ice and Freezing damage to all nearby enemies when it explodes. A maximum of 4 traps can be placed at once time.
[主动] 冰霜陷阱触发的时候能够对周围敌人造成冰系伤害。同一时间最多只能设置4个陷阱。

寒冰爆弹(Icy Explosion)
[Upgrade] Your rougish ingenuity allows you to build Frost Traps that deal additional damage and disorient your enemies.

刀片(Blade Honing)
[Sustained] The razor-sharp blades of your weapons cut into your enemies with ease. While this Ability is active, Critical Hit Damage for Longswords, Daggers, Faeblades and Greatswords is substantially increased.

刺杀艺术(Assassin's Art)

[Active] Your deadly grace allows you to deal tremendous amounts of damage from stealth. Unlocks new sneak attacks from Daggers and Faeblades that can instantly kill an unaware enemy if you deal enough damage.

[Active] Lunge past your foes with preternatural speed to attack them from behind. (+xx Physical Damage)

[Passive] With anatomical precision, you deal higher damage to bleeding foes.


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