

来源:乐游原创 日期:2015/9/18 14:34:11 作者:乐游
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Freemode Events in Grand Theft Auto Online are a new advancement in open world gameplay, giving players access to a range of seamlessly integrated games and challenges in XD Online’s Freemode. Taking full advantage of the latest generation of consoles and PC hardware, there are no menus, lobbies, or load times – just an open Freemode session filled with Friends, Crewmates, rivals, and randoms where spontaneous and chaotic new games and challenges will appear.


One of these events can kick off at any given moment while in Freemode, and you can customize your session to decide exactly which ones will happen – so you can play as much or as little of this new content as you like. With countless variations on each Freemode Event, there are tons of unique new experiences, each offering new opportunities for reaping XD$ and RP in XD Online.


Feeling locked and stocked? Look out for King of the Castle – an every man for himself turf war where you’ll need to ascend and claim the designated ‘castle’ as your territory – and then fend off everyone else as they go all out to dethrone you. Form fragile alliances and work together in modes like Hunt the Beast, where one volunteer is temporarily transformed into a faster, stronger, beastly character who must escape relentless pursuers. Freemode Events also take the shape of insane stunt challenges, such as popping the longest wheelie, catching the most air in a land vehicle, or performing the most near misses in a vehicle without crashing

感觉自己没地位想当老大?那就玩玩“老大去哪了(King of the Castle)”模式吧!自己圈一块地盘,自己当老大,解决所有觊觎你那块地想把你这老大废掉的人!

组个菜鸟队一起在类似“别追我了(Hunt the Beast)”模式里,一个人变的贼快贼牛逼像开挂一样逃离其它没开挂(你确定?)的队友的追击!漫游模式还能玩各种其它挑战:俩轮车抬前轮看谁骑的远?看谁的车飞的远?看谁开车最惊险还不撞(应该是游戏统计里那“有惊无险”那项)?

Also included with next week's update are two brand new Adversary Modes. First, Hunting Pack: you’re part of a team tasked to deliver a priority vehicle rigged to explode if it drops below a minimum speed, while your opponents race, ram and batter to take it down. Or tryCross the Line, where heavily-armed squads face off across a neutral zone – with the goal of having all team members strategically penetrate their opponents’ territory to claim victory.


“生死时速(Hunting Pack)”里你和队友要运一个车,那车要是慢于一定速度就炸(这里原文用的"rigged to explode"还是XD4里一关的名字),而你对手就是要想方设法让它慢下来停下来炸掉!

杀出重围(Cross the Line)”里一开始你和对手在一个中立区,然后一方的所有人员都跑到对方的区域里来就算胜利。

The Freemode Events Update also brings the Rockstar Editor to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One with new features (also being added for current PC users as well) such as an ambient audio and sound effects library, Snapmatic integration, Director Mode updates and more.


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