
F1 2015白金奖杯达成 全奖杯列表

来源:乐游整理 日期:2015/7/15 9:40:22 作者:乐游
962乐游网首页攻略秘籍 游戏攻略 → F1 2015白金奖杯达成 全奖杯列表

[乐游网导读]F1 2015作为一款动感赛车游戏,模拟现实F1赛车赛制,所以每一个重大关卡都有设置相关奖杯,想要达成白金奖杯吗?先来了解一下游戏全部奖杯的达成条件吧!

F1 2015作为一款动感赛车游戏模拟现实F1赛车赛制,所以每一个重大关卡都有设置相关奖杯,想要达成白金奖杯吗?先来了解一下游戏全部奖杯的达成条件吧!

《F1 2015》奖杯列表已经放出,一共有46个奖杯,其中金杯2个,银杯12个,铜杯31个以及收集到上述奖杯后解锁的白金奖杯。

The King of the Road 道路之王

Acquire every trophy in F1 2015.获得F1 2015的所有奖杯 

Stay on These Roads 留在这些路上

Complete 50 clean laps in Quick Race mode.在Quick Race模式中完成50次干净单圈 

Pole Position 杆位

Take 10 poles in Quick Race mode.在Quick Race模式中获得10次杆位 

Points Mean Prizes 积分就是奖励

Score 75 Constructors' Championship points in Quick Race mode.在Quick Race模式中获得75点车队积分


Pack Leader 领头者

Stay out in 1st place for 150 laps in Quick Race mode.在Quick Race模式中保持第一名150圈 

It's All about Time 这只是时间问题

Spend 180 minutes in total track time at Silverstone.在Silverstone(英国银石赛道)总计花费180分钟 

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Putting in the Laps 置于圈中

Complete 200 laps in Quick Race mode.在Quick Race模式中完成200圈 

Stirling Job 斯特林的工作

Win 3 races at Monaco in Quick Race mode.在Quick Race模式中的Monaco(摩纳哥赛道)赢得3场比赛 

One Aim 一个目标

Meet or exceed a race objective given to you from the team in Championship Season.在Championship赛季中达到或超过车队给你的一场比赛的目标 

Pole Sitter 杆位

Take pole position in Championship Season.在Championship赛季中获得杆位

1, 2, 3, Podium 1 2 3 上台

Get a podium in Championship Season.在Championship赛季中登上领奖台 

Clean Club 干净俱乐部

Complete a Championship Season race without colliding with another car or object. 完成一个Championship赛季比赛且不与其他车或物体发生碰撞 

Me, Myself and I 我,我自己和我

Finish ahead of your team mate in a practice session in Championship Season.在Championship赛季的一个练习赛中在你的队友之前

Pole Trophy 杆位奖杯

Achieve the most poles within a Championship Season.在Championship赛季中获得最多的杆位 

Champion 冠军

Win the Drivers' Championship in Championship Season on any difficulty.在任意难度的Championship赛季中赢得车手总冠军 

Construction Time 车队时间

Win the Constructors' Championship in Championship Season on any difficulty.在任意难度的Championship赛季中赢得车队总冠军 

Elementary, My Dear Watson 这很简单,我亲爱的华生

Win the race from 22nd place on the grid in the 2014 Championship Season.在2014Championship赛季中从22位发车赢得比赛 

Master and Commander 怒海争锋

Get 14 wins in a single Championship Season to beat Michael Schumacher's record of 13 wins.在单Championship赛季中赢得14场冠军超越迈克尔舒马赫的13场记录 

Grand Slam 大满贯

Take pole, win the race, set the fastest lap and lead every lap in a Championship Season weekend.在一个Championship赛季的周末中获得杆位、冠军、单圈最快和领跑每一圈


Super Monaco 超级摩纳哥

Drive a total of 78 laps at Monaco in Pro Season mode.在Pro赛季模式中的Monaco(摩纳哥赛道)驾驶总计78圈

Hard Times 困难时期

Complete a race in Pro Season mode.在Pro赛季模式中赢得一场比赛 

Easier than Expected? 比预期的更容易吗?

Place in the top 16 in qualifying in Pro Season mode 5 times.在Pro赛季模式中5次获得排位赛前16 

Boiling Point 沸点

Reach 100 points in an online championship.在在线championship模式中达到100分 

Online Winner 在线赢家

Win an online race.赢得一场在线比赛 

Just the Beginning 这只是开始 

Complete an online race in the Beginner Hopper.以Beginner Hopper完成一场在线比赛 

Standard-Bearer 旗手

Complete an online race in the Standard Hopper.以Standard Hopper完成一场在线比赛 

Hard-Boiled 硬汉

Complete an online race in the Hardcore Hopper.以Hardcore Hopper完成一场在线比赛 

Number 5 5号

Complete 5 online races.完成5场在线比赛 

Online Pony 在线小马

Complete 25 online races.完成25场在线比赛 

Multiplicity 大量

Complete 50 online races.完成50场在线比赛

One with the Car 一辆车

Set a time at a Time Trial Event.在一个Time Trial事件中做出圈速 

Keep It Clean 保持干净

Set a lap time at 5 different circuits in Time Trial in the dry.在Time Trial模式的干地条件下的5个不同赛道做出圈速 

Wet Wet Wet 湿湿湿

Set a lap time at 5 different circuits in Time Trial in the wet.在Time Trial模式的湿地条件下的5个不同赛道做出圈速 

Sweet Dreams 美梦

Set 30 clean laps at Singapore in Time Trial.

在Time Trial模式的Singapore(新加坡赛道)做出30个有效圈速 

Welcome to Russia 欢迎来到俄罗斯

Set 50 clean laps at Sochi in Time Trial in a Marussia.在Time Trial模式中用Marussia(玛鲁西亚车队)在Sochi(俄罗斯索契赛道)做出50个有效圈速 

Phone Home 打电话回家

Set 50 clean laps at the Red Bull Ring in a Red Bull in Time Trial.在Time Trial模式中用Red Bull(红牛车队)在Red Bull Ring(奥地利赛道)做出50个有效圈速 

Sauber Wolf 索伯

Set 50 clean laps in a Sauber on any track in Time Trial.在Time Trial模式中用Sauber(索伯车队)在任意赛道做出50个有效圈速 

William the Conqueror 征服者威廉

Set 50 clean laps in a Williams on any track in Time Trial.在Time Trial模式中用Williams(威廉姆斯车队)在任意赛道做出50个有效圈速 

Ticket to Ride 乘车票

Set 100 clean laps in Time Trial on any combination of tracks.在Time Trial模式中在任意赛道做出100个有效圈速 

Clean Sweep 一网打尽

Set a clean lap time for all circuits in Time Trial.在Time Trial模式中的所有赛道做出1个有效圈速

Three of a Kind 故伎三演

Win a race in Quick Race, Championship Season and Multiplayer mode. 在Quick Race, Championship Season和Multiplayer模式中各赢得一场比赛 

Total Recall 全面回忆

Load a Mid-Session Save. 读取一个比赛中存档 

Final Lap Heroics 最后一圈的英雄

Win a race on the final lap, coming from behind.在最后一圈成为第一的情况下赢得一场比赛

Continental Circus大陆马戏团

Drive at least 20 laps on a track in each continent, in any game mode.在任意模式中每个赛道都至少驾驶20圈 

The Final Countdown 最后倒数

Drive 500 laps on European tracks in any game mode.在任何模式的欧洲赛道中驾驶500圈 

F1 Super HeroF1超级英雄

Spend at least 600 minutes out on track.在赛道上花费了至少600分钟


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