
官方博客今天的博文和博客上面这张马的图案 还有那句COMING IN EARLY 2014(2014年初推出)都暗示着明年1月底 DOTA2将会有春节活动 下面看看博文内容

先来英文版 翻译慢慢来吧 不是专业翻译 大家随便看看

With Wraith-Night now well underway, we want to put out a call to any artists who would like to participate, through the Dota 2 Workshop, in our next big event. Anew event is coming to Dota 2 at the end of January, and we are looking for submissions that draw on visual themes from the Chinese New Year, Chinese history, and springtime. Be sure to mark your submissions using the “Spring2014〃 tag when placing your items on the Workshop. For everyone else, the best way to help is to visit the Workshop often and vote for which items you’d like to see in Dota. All submissions must be on the Workshop by January 15th. Good luck, and have fun!


所以水友们可以期待一下 到底一月底的活动会是什么类型呢 并且有什么惊喜呢



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